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Size : 7.41mb
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Publisher : 李锦刚
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Size : 5.6mb
Publisher : 陈磊
DC motor speed measurement and control, and realize al-speed voice, but also in LCD displays current settings of the speed of Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 132.45kb
Publisher : 李锦刚
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Size : 374.01kb
Publisher : yanghongyi
Mainly for Linux input subsystem of a few simple operations such as watch lsinput is the number of input devices such as input-events is to look at the key input device used to debug a very good input subsystem Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 27.36kb
Publisher : varvar
This is the automatic control of the car to do the code, here are some program modules, you can reference. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 42.83kb
Publisher : 黎明
To enter the mathematical formula for calculation the user can add their own analysis of the definition of the function function. Update : 2008-10-13
Size : 133.45kb
Publisher : xiachunmin