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用c语言编写串口程序 在当今,流行的编程软件种类繁多,它们编程方便、易于维护,但是在与硬 件直接打交道和编制系统软件时却束手无策,于是C语言就有了用武之地。C语言 作为汇编语言与高级语言之间的一种过渡语言,兼有汇编语言的高效和高级语言 的方便。   在通讯中,为了保证行运安全可靠,标准的串行口必须具有许多握手信号和 状态信息。这是因为通讯的各个计算机CPU速度不一样(这会导致“错帧”)以 及发送机发送数据速度比接收机接收速度快(这会导致“过冲”)。为解决这个 问题,我们采用一个简单的握手信号,即发送机每次仅发送半个字节(低4位) 的数据,而另外半个字节(高4位)则用来传送信息。我们可以对信息位(高4位) 进行如下简单的编码: 0H:发送的是新的半个字节数据 1H:重新发送上次传送错误的数据 2H:文件名结束 3H:文件结束 这样,每当发送机发送一个字节以后,就等待接受机发回送信号,这回送信号就 是发送机发送过来的那个字节。发送机接收到回送信号后,把它与刚发送的字节 相比较,如果相同,就发送新的半个字节,否则就重新发送。新数据与旧数据通 过信息位来区分。下面就是用C语言编写控制串行口的程序。 -Serial procedures in the preparation of today's popular programming software, and a large variety of their programming and easy to maintain, but to deal directly with the hardware and system software when compiled a loss, so there will be a C language battlefield. C language as the compilation and Advanced Language a transition between languages, both assembly language and the efficient high-level language convenience. In telecommunications, in order to ensure safe and reliable transport firms, the standard serial I must have shook hands with many signals and state information. This is because the various computer communications CPU speed is not the same (this would lead to "the wrong frame") and transmitter to send data faster than fast receiver to receive (this would lead t
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6431 Publisher : 王平

On power up, the firmware starts executing code at address 0h. After some housekeeping tasks it will determine whether it is attached to a USB or a PS2 interface. From that, it will branch either to USB_Main or PS2_Main. -On power up, the firmware starts executing code at address 0 h. After some housekeeping tasks it will determ whether it is produced mostly in developed areas attached to a USB or a PS2 interf ace. From that, it will branch either to USB_Main or PS2_Main.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 44234 Publisher : 蒋志涛

DL : 0
在通讯中,为了保证行运安全可靠,标准的串行口必须具有许多握手信号和 状态信息。这是因为通兜母鞲黾扑慊鶦PU速度不一样(这会导致“错帧”)以 及发送机发送数据速度比接收机接收速度快(这会导致“过冲”)。为解决这个 问题,我们采用一个简单的握手信号,即发送机每次仅发送半个字节(低4位) 的数据,而另外半个字节(高4位)则用来传送信息。我们可以对信息位(高4位) 进行如下简单的编码: 0H:发送的是新的半个字节数据 1H:重新发送上次传送错误的数据 2H:文件名结束 3H:文件结束 这样,每当发送机发送一个字节以后,就等待接受机发回送信号,这回送信号就 是发送机发送过来的那个字节。发送机接收到回送信号后,把它与刚发送的字节 相比较,如果相同,就发送新的半个字节,否则就重新发送。新数据与旧数据通 过信息位来区分。下面就是用C语言编写控制串行口的程序。-in communications, in order to ensure safe and reliable transport firms, the standard serial I must have shook hands with many signals and state information. This is because the conduct of the mother-pocket walls flutter contented tenancy PU the same speed (which would lead to "the wrong frame") and transmitter to send data faster than fast receiver to receive (this would lead to "overshoot"). To address this problem, we have adopted a simple handshake signal that the transmitter to send only half of each byte (low 4), while the other half megabyte (four high) is used to transmit messages. The information we can place (four high), a simple code : OH : Send the new half-byte data 1H : last re-sending the wrong data transmission 2H : Name 3H end : the end of this document
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4948 Publisher : 飞机

FAT文件系统原理 计算机在按下power键以后,开始执行主板bios程序。进行完一系列检测和配置以后。开始按bios中设定的系统引导顺序引导系统。假定现在是硬盘。Bios执行完自己的程序后如何把执行权交给硬盘呢。交给硬盘后又执行存储在哪里的程序呢。其实,称为mbr的一段代码起着举足轻重的作用。MBR(master boot record),即主引导记录,有时也称主引导扇区。位于整个硬盘的0柱面0磁头1扇区(可以看作是硬盘的第一个扇区),bios在执行自己固有的程序以后就会jump到mbr中的第一条指令。将系统的控制权交由mbr来执行。在总共512byte的主引导记录中,MBR的引导程序占了其中的前446个字节(偏移0H~偏移1BDH),随后的64个字节(偏移1BEH~偏移1FDH)为DPT(Disk PartitionTable,硬盘分区表),最后的两个字节“55 AA”(偏移1FEH~偏移1FFH)是分区有效结束标志。-FAT file system in principle computer keys after pressing the power to start procedures for the implementation of motherboard bios. End conducted a series of inspections and subsequent distribution. Start by bios set in the boot sequence guidance system. It is assumed that drive. Bios implementation End after their own procedures on how the implementation of the right to drive it. Then drive to the store where the implementation of the procedure beforehand. In fact, as mbr section of the code will play a decisive role. MBR (master boot record), the master boot record that is sometimes also called master boot. Located in the entire drive 0 0 cylinder head a sector (can be seen as one drives the sector), bios their inherent in the implementation of the procedures will jump to the future mbr
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 270166 Publisher : henry

DL : 0
接口课程设计,红绿灯2006.3.10DATA SEGMENT LEDTAL DB 3FH,06H,5BH,4FH,66H,6DH,7DH,07H,7FH,6FH,0H-interface curriculum design, traffic lights SEGMENT DATA 2006 .3.10 LEDTAL DB 3FH, 06H, 5BH, 4FH, 66H, 6DH, NAS, 07H, 7FH, 6FH, OH
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1969 Publisher : 随想

DL : 0
WebZip 是把一个网站下载并压缩到一个单独的 ZIP 文件中,可以帮您将某个网站全部或部份资料以ZIP格式压缩起来,可供你日后快速浏览这个网站。且新一版的功能包括可预定时间来下载,亦加强相当漂亮的立体界面及传输的曲线图。 此版本是直接汉化程序文件,不同于汉化语言文件,汉化较彻底,但仍然有极个别字符没能彻底汉化,但不影响使用。因为是汉化的程序文件,在汉化中对程序界面做了大量优化和美化工作。安装中可选择安装中文版本或英文版本,并可以选择是否注册软件。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1515367 Publisher : 李述清

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4922 Publisher : 孙和

DL : 0
一个三维打斗游戏-A 3D fight game
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1853440 Publisher : 站长

DL : 0
brew ,有关定位的源码-brew, the positioning of the source
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 77824 Publisher : 江泽民

DL : 0
仿真OFDM中的多径信道-Simulation of multi-channel in OFDM Modeling
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李朗

一个很好的语音通信软件,用vc编写的源代码,调试过,绝对可用-a good voice communications software, used vc prepared by the source code, debugger that can be absolute
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 2024448 Publisher : zzg

OPC Server的Demo程序(分别用VC、VB编写),包含接口说明文档。-OPC Server Demo procedures (VC, VB prepared), including interface documentation.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 491520 Publisher : 黄学通

DL : 0
CAD 中ewz软件! 装上马上可以用!-ewz CAD software! Install can be used immediately!
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 5315584 Publisher : wangxiujun

用c语言编写串口程序 在当今,流行的编程软件种类繁多,它们编程方便、易于维护,但是在与硬 件直接打交道和编制系统软件时却束手无策,于是C语言就有了用武之地。C语言 作为汇编语言与高级语言之间的一种过渡语言,兼有汇编语言的高效和高级语言 的方便。   在通讯中,为了保证行运安全可靠,标准的串行口必须具有许多握手信号和 状态信息。这是因为通讯的各个计算机CPU速度不一样(这会导致“错帧”)以 及发送机发送数据速度比接收机接收速度快(这会导致“过冲”)。为解决这个 问题,我们采用一个简单的握手信号,即发送机每次仅发送半个字节(低4位) 的数据,而另外半个字节(高4位)则用来传送信息。我们可以对信息位(高4位) 进行如下简单的编码: 0H:发送的是新的半个字节数据 1H:重新发送上次传送错误的数据 2H:文件名结束 3H:文件结束 这样,每当发送机发送一个字节以后,就等待接受机发回送信号,这回送信号就 是发送机发送过来的那个字节。发送机接收到回送信号后,把它与刚发送的字节 相比较,如果相同,就发送新的半个字节,否则就重新发送。新数据与旧数据通 过信息位来区分。下面就是用C语言编写控制串行口的程序。 -Serial procedures in the preparation of today's popular programming software, and a large variety of their programming and easy to maintain, but to deal directly with the hardware and system software when compiled a loss, so there will be a C language battlefield. C language as the compilation and Advanced Language a transition between languages, both assembly language and the efficient high-level language convenience. In telecommunications, in order to ensure safe and reliable transport firms, the standard serial I must have shook hands with many signals and state information. This is because the various computer communications CPU speed is not the same (this would lead to "the wrong frame") and transmitter to send data faster than fast receiver to receive (this would lead t
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 6144 Publisher : 王平

USB 飞力浦固件开发源码:基本业务处理功能,完整开发文档,已编译通过-the USB source of Philips: the base function ,all empolder source code,can compile OK.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 83968 Publisher : 唐 红

DL : 0
Prim 算法寻找最小生成树,用C语言实现,有完整的注释!-Prim algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree, using C language, a complete Notes!
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1024 Publisher : gao

On power up, the firmware starts executing code at address 0h. After some housekeeping tasks it will determine whether it is attached to a USB or a PS2 interface. From that, it will branch either to USB_Main or PS2_Main. -On power up, the firmware starts executing code at address 0 h. After some housekeeping tasks it will determ whether it is produced mostly in developed areas attached to a USB or a PS2 interf ace. From that, it will branch either to USB_Main or PS2_Main.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 44032 Publisher : 蒋志涛

DL : 0
在通讯中,为了保证行运安全可靠,标准的串行口必须具有许多握手信号和 状态信息。这是因为通兜母鞲黾扑慊鶦PU速度不一样(这会导致“错帧”)以 及发送机发送数据速度比接收机接收速度快(这会导致“过冲”)。为解决这个 问题,我们采用一个简单的握手信号,即发送机每次仅发送半个字节(低4位) 的数据,而另外半个字节(高4位)则用来传送信息。我们可以对信息位(高4位) 进行如下简单的编码: 0H:发送的是新的半个字节数据 1H:重新发送上次传送错误的数据 2H:文件名结束 3H:文件结束 这样,每当发送机发送一个字节以后,就等待接受机发回送信号,这回送信号就 是发送机发送过来的那个字节。发送机接收到回送信号后,把它与刚发送的字节 相比较,如果相同,就发送新的半个字节,否则就重新发送。新数据与旧数据通 过信息位来区分。下面就是用C语言编写控制串行口的程序。-in communications, in order to ensure safe and reliable transport firms, the standard serial I must have shook hands with many signals and state information. This is because the conduct of the mother-pocket walls flutter contented tenancy PU the same speed (which would lead to "the wrong frame") and transmitter to send data faster than fast receiver to receive (this would lead to "overshoot"). To address this problem, we have adopted a simple handshake signal that the transmitter to send only half of each byte (low 4), while the other half megabyte (four high) is used to transmit messages. The information we can place (four high), a simple code : OH : Send the new half-byte data 1H : last re-sending the wrong data transmission 2H : Name 3H end : the end of this document
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 5120 Publisher : 飞机

FAT文件系统原理 计算机在按下power键以后,开始执行主板bios程序。进行完一系列检测和配置以后。开始按bios中设定的系统引导顺序引导系统。假定现在是硬盘。Bios执行完自己的程序后如何把执行权交给硬盘呢。交给硬盘后又执行存储在哪里的程序呢。其实,称为mbr的一段代码起着举足轻重的作用。MBR(master boot record),即主引导记录,有时也称主引导扇区。位于整个硬盘的0柱面0磁头1扇区(可以看作是硬盘的第一个扇区),bios在执行自己固有的程序以后就会jump到mbr中的第一条指令。将系统的控制权交由mbr来执行。在总共512byte的主引导记录中,MBR的引导程序占了其中的前446个字节(偏移0H~偏移1BDH),随后的64个字节(偏移1BEH~偏移1FDH)为DPT(Disk PartitionTable,硬盘分区表),最后的两个字节“55 AA”(偏移1FEH~偏移1FFH)是分区有效结束标志。-FAT file system in principle computer keys after pressing the power to start procedures for the implementation of motherboard bios. End conducted a series of inspections and subsequent distribution. Start by bios set in the boot sequence guidance system. It is assumed that drive. Bios implementation End after their own procedures on how the implementation of the right to drive it. Then drive to the store where the implementation of the procedure beforehand. In fact, as mbr section of the code will play a decisive role. MBR (master boot record), the master boot record that is sometimes also called master boot. Located in the entire drive 0 0 cylinder head a sector (can be seen as one drives the sector), bios their inherent in the implementation of the procedures will jump to the future mbr
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 270336 Publisher : henry

DL : 0
一款不错的PHP集成开发环境,适用方便,不防下载-A good PHP integrated development environment, for convenience, do not try to download anti-
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 16863232 Publisher : tonyzhang
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