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NASM中文手册。 NASM 是一个为可移植性与模块化而设计的一 个80x86 的汇编器-NASM中文manual. NASM is a portable and modular design of a 80x86 assembler
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 263168 Publisher : moon

Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 12288 Publisher : 金阳

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要深入理解32位编程的奥秘,必须理解保护模式.这是李彦昌的保护模式教程,基本是清华出版社80X86汇编语言程序设计的保护模式部分的电子版,但修改了原书的一些错误,也加入了李先生自己的一些体会.很好的资料,保护模式的资料本来就少,中文的的资料更少,谨以此与Asm爱好者共享.-To 32-depth understanding of the mysteries of programming, it must be understood that the protection mode.李彦昌This is a protected mode tutorial, basic is the Tsinghua Press 80x86 assembly language programming of the protected-mode part of the electronic version, but revised the original book, some errors, Mr. Lee has also joined the some of their own experience. very good information, information protected mode was small, less information in Chinese, I would like to share this with Asm enthusiasts.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 263168 Publisher : haoyu

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80386处理器是Intel公司80x86发展史上的里程碑,它不但兼容先前的8086/8088,80186,80286处理器,而且也为后来的486,Pentium(586),Pentium Pro(686)的发展打下了坚实的基础,对于我们程序员来讲更重要的是:我们关心80386在指令上到底有哪些扩展呢?80386有哪些寻址方式呢?毫无疑问,它不但兼容了8086的所有指令,而且还对它们进行增强. -80386 processor is Intel Corporation 80x86 milestone in the history of the development, it is not only compatible with the previous 8086/8088, 80186,80286 processors, but also for the subsequent 486, Pentium (586), Pentium Pro (686) the development of a solid the basis for our programmers in terms of more important is: 80386 What we are concerned about the directive on which to expand it in the end? 80386 What are the addressable way? There is no doubt that it is not only compatible with the 8086 all the instructions, but also enhance them.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 30720 Publisher : haoyu

打字游戏 制作这款打字小游戏是为了对汇编语言程序设计有一个更深刻的了解,将所学的知识应用于实践,提高自己的编程水平。鉴于用汇编语言编程的复杂性,为了使游戏能够实现自己预先的构想,所以自创了这款相对比较简单的打字游戏。在游戏制作工作中会应用到80x86的指令系统和寻址方式,输入输出程序设计等,涉及到的知识领域还是很全面的,所以在通过完成这次编程,相信能得到不小的提高。 1.2游戏介绍 该游戏是一个简单的打字游戏,双击图标后将进入主菜单,再按enter键会进入到选择速度的菜单,这里还有游戏的简单介绍,按1/2进入游戏后,字母会从屏幕上方掉下,从键盘键入正确的字母则掉下的字母消失,否则当字母掉到屏幕最下面时,生命值会减少,当生命值减少到0时游戏结束,这时按Esc键将返回主菜单。 -err
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 3072 Publisher : cl22

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μC/ OS - Ⅱ是一个源码公开的实时嵌入式操作系统,它的特点在于公开的源代码,很强的移植性,占先式多任务,每 个任务有单独的栈,中断管理及很强的稳定性与可靠性等,目前越来越受到实时嵌入式系统设计者的关注,而要使用μC/ OS - Ⅱ 就要针对不同的处理器进行移植,本文通过对在80x86 和MCU - 51 上移植实例的分析,给出了在移植μC/ OS - Ⅱ系统时如何通 过中断指令实现任务切换,解决移植的核心问题。-μC/OS- Ⅱ is an open source real-time embedded operating system, its characteristics is an open source code, strong transplantation, and preemptive multi-tasks, each task has a separate stack, interrupt management and a strong Stability and reliability, at present more and more real-time embedded system designers the concerns, and to use μC/OS- Ⅱ will be carried out for different processor transplantation, this paper in 80x86 and MCU- 51 on transplantation analysis examples are given in transplantation μC/OS- Ⅱ system how to achieve the task switching interrupt instruction to address the core issue of transplantation.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 239616 Publisher : viewsky

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μC /OS - Ⅱ是一个源码公开的占先式多任务实时嵌入式操作系统,可移植性强。通过对在80x86和 MCS - 51上移植实例的分析,给出了在移植μC /OS - Ⅱ系统时通过中断指令实现任务切换的方法,解决了移 植的核心问题。-μC/OS- Ⅱ is an open source Preemptive multi-tasking real-time embedded operating system, portability strong. Through 80x86 and in MCS- 51 on the transplant example of the analysis are given in transplantation μC/OS- Ⅱ system command through disruption of the realization of task switching solutions to the core issue of the graft.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 152576 Publisher : viewsky

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vxwork源代码,能在80x86机器和其它各种嵌入式处理器上移植 -vxwork source code, in 80x86 machines and other embedded processors transplantation
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 5319680 Publisher : audu123

介绍了关于怎样用DRAM 芯片用做 摄象机,即相关的程序及硬件结构,本DIY制作需要的相关知识为:计算机并行口接口信号、Inter 80X86 宏汇编语言、TURBO C 语言、DRAM 芯片原理 英文-Introduction on how to do camera used DRAM chips, that is related to the procedures and hardware structure, the production needs of the DIY-related knowledge: computer parallel port interface signals, Inter 80X86 assembly language macros, TURBO C language, DRAM chip principle of English
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 508928 Publisher : 龙一

uc/os II 在80X86上的移值,源码.BLOCK部分-uc/os II in 80x86 on the shift value, source. BLOCK part
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 6144 Publisher : jonson

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UC/OS II 在80X86上在成功移值HPLISTC部分-UC/OS II in 80x86 in HPLISTC part of the success of the transplant
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 12288 Publisher : jonson

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UC/OS II 在80X86上在成功移值TO部分-UC/OS II in 80x86 in the TO part of the success of the transplant
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 13312 Publisher : jonson

汇编教程 某日在逛80x86汇编小站时发现被整理成一个压缩包 而我,发现自己近日总是无所事事,就把它整理成为CHM文件,方便大家阅读^_^ 整理的时候没有对原文作任何的修改 -Guide compiled a date in the compilation of stations around 80x86 discovered was collated into a compressed package and I found myself always doing nothing recently, so it became CHM collating documents, to facilitate reading everyone ^ _ ^ when finishing the original text did not make any changes
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 30720 Publisher : yuan

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NASM是一个为可移植性与模块化而设计的一个80x86的汇编器。它支持相当多的目标文件格式,包括Linux和 NetBSD/FreeBSD , a.out , ELF , COFF ,微软16位的 OBJ 和 Win32 。它还可以输出纯二进制文件。它的语法设计得相当的简洁易懂,和Intel语法相似但更简单。它支持 Pentium , P6 , MMX , 3DNow! , SSE and SSE2 指令集-NASM is a portable and modular design of a 80x86 assembler. It supports a considerable number of the destination file formats, including Linux and NetBSD/FreeBSD, a.out, ELF, COFF, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It can also output plain binary files. It
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 272384 Publisher : zhang

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NASM是一个为可移植性与模块化而设计的一个80x86的汇编器。-NASM is a portable and modular design of a 80x86 assembler.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1015808 Publisher : zhang

NASM是一个为可移植性与模块化而设计的一个80x86的汇编器。它支持相当多的目标文件格式。这里是它的技术文档。-NASM is a portable and modular design of a 80x86 assembler. It supports a considerable number of the target file format. Here is the technical documentation.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 581632 Publisher : zhang

RockCarry PL/0 语言编译器(一下简称RCompiler),是一个能将PL/0语言的源程序编译成 为多种形式的目标代码的编译器。目前的RCompiler支持的PL/0语言是一种微型的Pascal语言, 关于该语言的详细说明请参见“PL0语言简介.txt”一文。 RCompiler的输出类型可以是:1.四元式形式的中间代码和符号表、2.符合RVM虚拟机规范的 RVM代码文件(该文件可以被RVM虚拟机解释执行)、3.符合80x86汇编语言标准的汇编语言代码、 4.符合DOS规范的DOS可执行程序、5.符合Windows规范的Windows可执行程序。 -RockCarry PL/0 language compiler (you referred to RCompiler), is a capable of PL/0 compiler source language to become various forms of object code compiler. RCompiler support the current PL/0 language is a miniature of the Pascal language, the language on a detailed description please see the
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 346112 Publisher : 王锋

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实现一些简单的汇编语言功能,学生成绩统计,排名等-The realization of some simple assembly language functions, their performance statistics, rankings, etc.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 5120 Publisher : 张寿昆

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本书附带一张软盘包括了所有我们讨论的源代码。是假定读者在80x86,Pentium,或者Pentium-II处理器上运行DOS或Windows95。至少需要5Mb硬盘空间来安装uC/OS-II。 请按照以下步骤安装: 1.进入到DOS(或在Windows 95下打开DOS窗口)并且指定C:为默认驱动器。 2.将磁盘插入到A:驱动器。 3.键入 A:INSTALL 【drive】 注意『drive』是读者想要将µ C/OS-II安装的目标磁盘的盘符。 -Attached to a floppy disk this book includes all the source code we are discussing. Is assumed that the readers in the 80x86, Pentium, or Pentium-II processor running DOS or Windows95. Need at least 5Mb hard disk space to install the uC/OS-II. Follow these steps to install: 1. To enter into DOS (or Windows 95 to open the DOS window) and specify C: drive as the default. 2. The disk inserted into the A: drive. 3. Type A: INSTALL [Note] 『drive is a drive readers to want to μ C/OS-II is installed on the target disk drive.
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 1774592 Publisher : 于来宝

本资料以flash形式直观的表现了uCOS系统在80x86平台上的任务切换-This information to flash the form of intuitive performance of the uCOS system in the 80x86 platform task switch
Update : 2024-04-19 Size : 66560 Publisher : 鼎鼎
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