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NE555系列中文说明,仅供参考交流-NE555 Series Chinese explanation for reference exchange toencouragethe
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 120388 Publisher : 团党委

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本文档收录了NE555的具体的内部电路图及555的具体的应用方式,对想了解555的初学者有很大的帮助.-This document contains the specific NE555 internal circuit 555 and the specific application, right would like to know 555 beginners a great help.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 251904 Publisher : 张宏军

具体介绍了555的运用例子和各种电路的组成等,对要用555的初学者很有帮助和参考价值-Introduced a specific example of the use of 555 and various components such as circuit, 555 of the beginners to use and helpful reference value
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 97280 Publisher : Mr zeng

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NE555的功能表和其他介绍 希望有用-NE555 s menu and other introduced the hope that useful
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 77824 Publisher : jjjjjjjjkkhjh

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一种基于NE555的电子看门狗电路设计!- NE555-based Electronic Watchdog circuit design!
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 104448 Publisher : 谢翼

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通过脉冲计数方法侧电容。利用dac0832,ne555以及有proteus仿真-this is dianrongceliang。dac0832,ne555 and proteus
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 66560 Publisher : hustckm

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各种常用的芯片手册,包括NE555.pdf,PCF8591.pdf,MAX232.pdf等32个文件-A variety of chips commonly used in manual, including NE555.pdf, PCF8591.pdf, MAX232.pdf and 32 files
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 7092224 Publisher : 小耸

timer 555 datasheet..if you interest electronic and ccs c it is very important for development a circuit..thanks good working-timer 555 datasheet..if you interest electronic and ccs c it is very important for development a circuit..thanks good working!!
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 77824 Publisher : EDDY

555各种电路的搭建及参数计算(这还不够清楚吗,为什么非得描述至少20字呢,我还得给你凑字数)-555 various circuit structures and parameter calculation
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 48128 Publisher : aa

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計時IC之王--NE555, 有555內部功能, 電壓使用, 時間計算.-Timing IC King- NE555, 555 internal functions, voltage used, the calculation of time.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 78848 Publisher : sam

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NE555组成一个硬件振荡器,通过W2调节输出频率。由JP80输出,可以给单片机做计数实验。 -NE555 form a hardware oscillator output frequency by adjusting W2. The JP80 output, can be counted SCM experiments.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 1024 Publisher : wei

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欢迎使用小涛电子工作室的NE555频率计算软件 免费共享-NE555 frequency calculation software
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 7168 Publisher : xiaotao

In this archive is included an example code in proton basic compiler how to implement NE555 as temperature regulator.Working principle is based on the change of resistance of variable resistor NTC. Changing its resistance changes and the frequency generated by the NE555 timer and then with analog electronics, temperature remains within certain limits.-In this archive is included an example code in proton basic compiler how to implement NE555 as temperature regulator.Working principle is based on the change of resistance of variable resistor NTC. Changing its resistance changes and the frequency generated by the NE555 timer and then with analog electronics, temperature remains within certain limits.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 88064 Publisher : Milos

NE555引脚应用与功能,NE555为8脚时基集成电路,各脚主要功能。为了便于我们分析和识别电路,更好的理解555电路, 这里我们这里按555电路的结构特点进行分类和归纳,-NE555 pin applications and functions, NE555 time base for the 8-pin IC, the main function of the foot. In order to facilitate our analysis and the identification circuit, a better understanding of the circuit 555, here we here at the structural characteristics of the circuit 555 are classified and summarized,
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 394240 Publisher : yanling

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基于89C51单片机和NE555,采用LCD1602显示的计时程序-Based on 89C51 microcontroller and NE555, the timing procedure used LCD1602 display
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 2048 Publisher : 吴伟琨

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6位数的计数器源程序,可以从0一直999999,NE555的输出口P3.5计数,开机显示0000000数码管数据p0,数码管控制p2口,计数脉冲NE555 P3.5输出 调整NE555的电位器,可以观察到计数的变化, 去掉ne555的跳线,则停止计数-6-digit counter source, can be from 0 999999, NE555 s output P3.5 count, boot displays digital data 0000000 p0, p2 digital control ports, counting pulses of NE555 NE555 P3.5 output adjustment potentiometer, count the changes can be observed, remove ne555 jumper, then stop counting.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 15360 Publisher : hwhjy

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用ne555芯片制作的一个小小呼吸灯,具有明暗渐变的效果。-Ne555 chip with a small breathing produced by light, with a gradient of light and shade effect.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 141312 Publisher : chan

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6位数的计数器源程序,可以从0一直到999999,NE555的输出口P3.5计数,开机显示000000 * 数码管数据p0,数码管控制p2口,计数脉冲NE555 P3.5输出 调整NE555的电位器, * 可以观察到计数的变化, 去掉ne555的跳线,则停止计数-NE555 output counter pulse.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 2048 Publisher : hs

NE555脉冲可调器,可以用来控制步进电机以及当做定时器使用。修改电阻可以修改频率。-NE555 pulse adjustable device, can be used to control the stepping motor as well as to use timer. Modified resistance can modify the frequency.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 232448 Publisher : 李广阳

51 microcontroller development board NE555 pulse generator frequency measurement procedures, suitable for beginners.
Update : 2024-04-24 Size : 51200 Publisher : 945882813
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