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VB的TCP聊天工具将服务端与客户端分开编写,使用机器需先打开服务端,再在远程机器使用客户端连接-VB TCP chatting tool services and client-prepared separately, the use of machines need to open the server, then the remote machine using the client
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 49152 Publisher : 邱路

DL : 0
用stockt类进行的tcp协议的编程,包括3部分的内容,信息的传送,消息的接受,端口的监控-stockt category with the tcp agreement programming, including the three parts of the content, the transmission of information, news acceptance, port control
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 129024 Publisher : 言圣

实现一个运行在16位数字信号处理器TMS320VC5402上的小型嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈。对TCP/IP协议中的IP协议、ARP协议、UDP协议进行分析,完成基于TCP/IP协议的嵌入式网络系统-A small embedded TCP/IP protocol stack running in a 16bits data signal processor TMS320VC5402 is implemented. IP, ARP, UDP etc. protocols in TCP/IP protocol stack are analyzed. A embeded network system based on TCP/IP is completed.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 46080 Publisher : 葛强

基于TCP的简单的聊天室程序,适合初学者学习.用vc写的。-based on the simple TCP chat room procedures, suitable for beginners to learn. With vc writes.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 69632 Publisher : 郑浩

这是一个用dephi编写的用于监视tcp/udp端口的程序,能够实时监测各个端口的情况-dephi used for the preparation of the surveillance tcp/udp port procedures to real-time monitoring of various ports
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 205824 Publisher : 王博

本书是“TCP/IP详解系列”的延续。主要内容包括:TCP事务协议,即T/TCP,这是对TCP的扩展,使客户-服务器事务更快、更高效和更可靠;TCP/IP应用,主要是HTTP和NNTP;UNIX域协议,这些协议提供了进程之间通信的一种手段。当客户与服务器进程在同一台主机上时,UNIX域协议通常要比TCP/IP快一倍。本书同样采用了大量的实例和实现细节,并参考引用了卷2中的大量源程序。-the book is "TCP/IP Elaborates on Series" in 1996. The main contents include : TCP services agreement, T/TCP, and this is the TCP so that the client-server services faster, more efficient and more reliable; TCP/IP applications, primarily HTTP and NNTP; UNIX domain agreements, which provide the communication process between a these means. When the client and the server process on the same mainframe, UNIX domain agreement usually than TCP/IP twice as fast. The book also has a large number of examples and achieve details, quoting reference volumes of two large source.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9558016 Publisher : 刘磊

socket关于tcp协议 及ucp协议通信的例子程序-tcp socket on the agreement after agreement and communication procedures for example
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 魏小

TCP网络传输,使用socket开发,基本的东西都已经具备,没有漂亮的界面,用vc开发-TCP net transfer develops through socket,with the basic stuff provided,without beautiful interface. It is developed by VC.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 71680 Publisher : 杨智

转载单片机实现TCP/IP协议的完整C源程序,带程序注解的,供大家研究-reproduced MCU TCP/IP protocol complete C source code, annotated with procedures for everyone to consider! !
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 26624 Publisher : 啊达

详细介绍了如何使用s7600实现tcp/ip,-detailed information on how to use s7600 achieve tcp/ip,
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1875968 Publisher : zxf

TCP的客户服务器通信程序 一:程序运行过程 1、运行服务器程序,等待客户端发出请求 2、运行客户端程序,输入客户的IP地址,请求连接 3、若连接成功,服务器端显示客户的IP地址及端口号;客户端接收文件并保存在d:\\client\\ls.txt下,否则,显示错误信息。 二:程序实现原理 发送端:打开文件,逐一读取字符到缓冲区(缓冲区大小为1024),若文件大于1024,则成块发送;若小于,则直接发送。 接受端:与发送端同理。-TCP client-server communication program one : running a process, running the server and wait for the client to issue two requests, the client operating procedures, the importation of customer IP address, link request, if successful connection, the server-client shows the IP address and port number ; the client receives the document and preserve d : \ \ client \ \ ls.txt, otherwise an error message. 2 : Principle procedures transmitter : open the file, read each character to the buffer (buffer size for 1024), and if the document is greater than 1,024, then sent into pieces; If less, then sent directly. Receivers : Send-the same reason.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 15360 Publisher :

一个使用TClientSocket控件的程序,抛砖引玉。发送,接收,选择服务器端口,IP地址。TCP-TClientSocket use of a control procedure, congregate. Send, receive, to choose the server port and IP address. TCP
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 152576 Publisher : 王鹏

TCP 聊天程序服务器端,详细讲述开发过程和理论依据-TCP chat sever side, describe detailedly of the development process and theory base.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 31744 Publisher : 胡和南

TCP 聊天程序客户端,详细讲述开发过程-TCP client chat program, described in detail the development process
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 31744 Publisher : 胡和南

一个TCP/IP的服务器端,但是增加了列表显示以及对客户端标示管理!-A TCP/IP server program with list display and client management
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 48128 Publisher :

目前绝大多数的聊天程序都是采用UDP开发的,本程序则采用TCP开发,适用于对信息传输要求比较高的场合,本程序是服务器端源代码。-majority of the chat procedures are developed using UDP, TCP procedure is used to develop, apply to information transmission and high demand on the occasion, the process is server source code.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 31744 Publisher : 布瓜

lwIP TCP-IP设计与实现(基于ucos操作系统)-design and implement of the lwIP TCP-IP stack ((based on uCOS operating system)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 32768 Publisher : zhu

这是一个利用TCP协议进行通信的程序,很典型,适合初学者学习,程序分两个部分,客户端和服务器-using TCP communication procedures, typical, for beginners to learn, procedures in two parts, the client and server
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 17408 Publisher : 程拨

在ucos下,如何实现tcp/ip协议栈?本程序实现了在ucos下实现tcp ip及ppp协议,与大家共享-in CENTER, how to achieve tcp/ip protocol stack? The program in under tcp CENTER ip and ppp agreement and share
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 407552 Publisher : 吴健勇

网络编程,uc/os下用的IP/TCp协议,嵌入式开发必备-network programming, uc/os using IP/TCp agreement, embedded development required
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 397312 Publisher : 宇维松
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