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1全球只有4人通过的游戏! DOS flash-DOS flash game
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 2234368 Publisher : 何佳俊

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用.net做的小游戏。。图片,代码都在。-Used. Net game to do. . Picture, the code in the.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 1035264 Publisher : suker

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linux下编的简单游戏,类似于是男人就撑过20秒-under linux simple game, similar to a man on the撑过20 seconds
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 184320 Publisher : 邵海东

Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 6789120 Publisher : 张龙

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蜘蛛牌游戏编程,它集中应用了多线程和多核技术,对学习编程很有帮助!-Day-to-day poker game programming,It focused on the application of a multi-threaded and multi-core technology, useful for learning programming!
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 663552 Publisher : 王俊

DirectX游戏开发终极指南源码,非常好用。很有指导意义。-Ultimate Game Programming with DirectX
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 20498432 Publisher : 陈雨

Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 9107456 Publisher :

Game physics engine development
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 3200000 Publisher : pmelendez

《J2ME游戏编程》英文版,国内J2ME游戏开发人员必备入门教程,循序渐进的知识点讲解,细致入微的示例,让你轻松在J2ME游戏编程的宫殿里登堂而入室!-In J2ME Game Programming, I m going to teach you how to create games for micro devices. Even more, I ll show you how much fun they can be and just how cool the resulting games can look and play.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 4070400 Publisher : 王瑞

这本书是另一本——游戏编程大全的姊妹篇,3D游戏编程大全,着重介绍3D游戏编程用到得技术、知识和3D游戏引擎的编写知识,是学习3D游戏制作,3D游戏引擎制作必备之书。-This book is the second one- the Guinness姊妹篇Game Programming, 3D Game Programming Book, focuses on using a 3D game programming technology, knowledge and the preparation of 3D game engine knowledge, is to learn from the production of 3D games, 3D game engine produced a book indispensable.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 12094464 Publisher : donghang

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简单的找茬游戏源码,有发布实例。可以直接用,或者自己换图片,根据源码改动一点就行。-A simple game of finding fault source, there are published examples. Can be directly used, or for their own picture, according to that source code changes on the line.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 1483776 Publisher : 曲双如

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几个经典游戏的MFC源代码,编译环境为VC6.0,感觉比较适合初学VC游戏编程的人来研究,绝对能有很大提高。(包括扫雷,俄罗斯方块,推箱子等经典游戏)-Several classic games MFC source code, the compiler environment VC6.0, feeling VC games are more suitable for novice programmers to study people who absolutely can have greatly improved. (Including mine clearance, the Russian box, the classic game Sokoban, etc.)
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 8743936 Publisher : 天之舞

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3.“搭桥”游戏,游戏者2人,裁判。要求: (1)扑克为52张,其中花色是“黑桃、红心、草花、方块”,每种花色有A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K; (2)扑克需要充分洗开,并派发到左右2方游戏者手中; (3)出牌时,每次交替从左右方取出一张放在已有“桥梁顶端”; 如果  新添牌的数字与原有桥梁上的数字相等否:是的,出牌方得到两个数字及之间相夹的所有牌,不是,换一方出牌;  当一方手上牌出净,游戏则结束;  结束时,提示“左右两方,谁家获胜”。 -3. " Bypass" game, 2 players, referees. Requirements: (1) poker for 52, in which color is " spade, red, flower, box," each color there are A, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, J , Q, K (2) poker need to be fully opened to wash and distribute the game to about 2 square hands (3) a license, each time around the turn from a side out there on the " bridge to the top" if  additional number of licenses and the original bridge on whether the number of equivalent: Yes, a license to be similar between the two figures and all the license folder, not-for-one card  When one card out of the hands of the net , then the end of the game  At the end of the prompt " 左右两方, Whose victory."
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 3072 Publisher : AndrewCC

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一款游戏的小软件,代码简单,可供初学者使用-A small game software, a simple code for beginners to use
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 7476224 Publisher : zyn

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brew写的snake小游戏,用visual C++环境或者visual studio 2005都可以 -brew of snake game written with visual C++ environment, or can be visual studio 2005
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 136192 Publisher : 毛义法

3D游戏开发大全英文版。 详细介绍了3D游戏开发的各个方面和tgea引擎的使用。-English Encyclopedia of 3D game development. 3D detail all aspects of game development and the use of tgea engine.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 12094464 Publisher : xuboning

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this my first javascript project at web programming design class. like hit-a-mole game. this zip file contains code, images and has been tested in all browser application, IE, Firefox, Opera, safari and flock.-this is my first javascript project at web programming design class. like hit-a-mole game. this zip file contains code, images and has been tested in all browser application, IE, Firefox, Opera, safari and flock.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 63488 Publisher : killtheemo

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Game developed in C to Linux Operational System... This game is very interesting to learn how we can develop our own games using C language.
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 24576 Publisher : rafael

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as3编写的益智游戏源码推箱子,值得学习和研究-written as3 source Sokoban puzzle game, it is worth learning and research
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 70656 Publisher : yin

FPGA小游戏,代码内部说明清晰,可自习斟酌-FPGA game, code clarity of internal notes, as appropriate, to study
Update : 2024-04-18 Size : 1067008 Publisher : yangcheng
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