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Packet : ILC.rar filelist
ILC/A Novel Tracker for a Class of Sampled-data Nonlinear Systems.pdf
ILC/Application of optimal iterative learning control to the dynamic testing of mechanical structures.pdf
ILC/Control techniques for structural testing A review.pdf
ILC/Hybrid Learning Control Schemes with Acceleration Feedback of a Flexible Manipulator System.pdf
ILC/Iterative learning control applied to a gantry robot and conveyor system.pdf
ILC/Neural Net-based Modeling and Control of a Micro-positioning Platform Using Piezoelectric Actuators.pdf
ILC/Nonlinear iterative learning control applied to an aerostatic X–Y planar motion stage.pdf
ILC/Open-closed-loop PID-type iterative learning control for linear systems with initial state error.pdf
ILC/Reference adjustment for a high-acceleration and high-precision platform via A-type of iterative learning control.pdf