Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Abstract:The system with AVR M CU as a controlcore, realizes the speech recognition contro1. The system uses the main controlchip AtmelATM EGA128.ICRoute single chip LD3320 is adopted for speech recognition,in which the speech
recognition algorithm is integrated without external FLASH and RAM resources. It S a good way tO complete the speech
recognition task ofnon—specificperson.M P3 playerisintegrated in thechip to supportM PEG format.Itcan be used forvoice
promptplayback orMP3 songs.Dueto internalcontaining 16 A/D,D/A converterand apoweramplifiercircuit,itcanpro—
duceclearsound withoutany externalpoweramplifier circuit.Thesystem has reserved a variety ofinterfaces and has a good