Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
Ds1820 temperature sensor 123456uyygbb the assembler crystal: 12MTEMPER_L EQU 36HTEMPER_H EQU 35HTEMPER_NUM EQU 60HFLAG1 BIT 00HDQ BIT P3.3AAA: MOV SP,# 70HLCALL GET_TEMPERLCALL TEMPER_COVLJMP AAANOP read out the converted temperature value GET_TEMPER: SETB DQ regularly import BCD: LCALL INIT_1820JB FLAG1, S22LJMP BCD if DS18B20 does not exist is returned S22: LCALL DELAY1MOV A,# 0CCH Skip ROM matching 0CCLCALL WRITE_1820MOV A,# 44H issued a temperature conversion command LCALL WRITE_1820
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