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C-C methodology and improvement of C-C method reconstruction phase space of Matlab procedures-------------------------------- performance : 3000 data time-consuming three minutes------------------------------- References : 1, Nonlinear dynamics, delay times, and embedding windows.pdf 2, Based on the C-C method of phase space reconstruction parameters choice 4.pdf-------------------------------- folders : one, C_C_Method_luzhenbo2.m-main proceedings, direct running this file can be! 2. LorenzData.dll- Lorenz have three discrete data, DuffingData.dll- Duffing have four discrete data, RosslerData.dll- Rossler have discrete data 5, ccFunction.dll-calculated S (m, N, r, t)- the original C-C method to calculate S (m, N, r, t), to improve the C-C method of calculating S2 (m, N, r, t) 6,