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MicroCOS-II The Real-Time Kernel second Edition Companion CD for the Book and contains all source code for uC/OS-II and ports for the Intel 80x86 processor running in real mode.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 5350400 Publisher : gaansan

清华大学出版社杨季文版的80X86习题解答-Ji-Wen Yang, Tsinghua University Press edition of 80X86 Problem Solutions
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 41984 Publisher : zhufeng

第一章 范例 第二章 实时系统概念 第三章 内核结构 第四章 任务管理 第五章 时间管理 第六章 任务之间的通讯与同步 第七章 内存管理 第八章 移植ucos-ii 第九章 ucos-ii在80x86上的移植 第十章 从ucos升级到ucos-ii 第十一章 参考手册 第十二章 配置手册 -Chapter Examples Chapter II Chapter III of the concept of real-time system kernel structure Task Manager Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI mandate of time management and synchronization of communication between the memory management under Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX ucos-ii transplant ucos- ii In the 80x86 on the transplant from the 10th chapter ucos upgrade to ucos-ii reference manual Chapter XI Chapter XII Configuration Guide
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2137088 Publisher : 胡丹

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常用80X86汇编语言指令(彩色版)pdf文件-8086 compilation of commonly used commands
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 183296 Publisher : feng

基于80X86体系的AT&T语法及GCC自带语法的汇编语言,PDF格式,很清晰,非常不错。-80X86 system based on AT & T syntax and grammar GCC comes with assembly language, PDF format, very clear, very good.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 231424 Publisher : Human旦旦

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详细介绍80x86保护模式的chm手册,对底层研究很有帮助-Details 80x86 protected mode chm manual, very helpful on the bottom of
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 215040 Publisher : fk

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只要是 80X86 相容的機器都可以,包含現在 Intel 所出品的 CPU-80X86 compatible machines as long as they can, including the current produced by the CPU Intel
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 612352 Publisher : zhuge

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在大多数情况下,取指、执指的操作并行。这消除了许多取指时间,从而提高了系统总线的使用效率,改善了系统性能-In most cases, take that, refer to the operation of parallel execution. This eliminates a lot of fetch time, and improve efficiency in the use of the system bus, improving the system performance
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2629632 Publisher : leezizi

80x86/Pentium微型计算机原理及应用,第一章绪论学习-80x86/Pentium Microcomputer Principles and Applications, first chapter to learn
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 147456 Publisher : leezizi

80x86指令系统:80X86/Pentium 指令格式和寻址方式、指令系统-80x86 instruction: 80X86/Pentium instruction formats and addressing modes, instruction
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1059840 Publisher : leezizi

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80x86汇编指令查询器,采用access数据库,可以对指令进行增、删、查、改操作。我整理的指令数据还不够全,如果你整理全了请发一份给我,qq:496331833,-Query device 80x86 assembly instructions, using access database, instructions can add, delete, check, change operation. I have enough data in order to command the whole, if you order all of the please send a copy to me, qq: 496331833, thank you
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1360896 Publisher : yaoyaofull

NASM是一个为可移植性与模块化而设计的一个80x86的汇编器。它支持相当多 的目标文件格式,包括Linux和 NetBSD/FreeBSD , a.out , ELF , COFF ,微软16 位的 OBJ 和 Win32 。它还可以输出纯二进制文件。它的语法设计得相当的简 洁易懂,和Intel语法相似但更简单。它支持 Pentium , P6 , MMX , 3DNow! , SSE and SSE2 指令集-NASM is a modular designed for the portability and an 80x86 assembler. It supports a lot of object file formats, including Linux and the NetBSD/FreeBSD , a.out , ELF , COFF Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32 . It can also output plain binary files. Its simple syntax is designed quite easy to understand, and Intel syntax is similar but easier. It supports Pentium Pentium , P6 , MMX , 3DNow! , SSE and SSE2 instruction set
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 535552 Publisher : jacky

用8086和8255实现的交通灯控制,该题为中南大学的微机课程设计,包括c语言和汇编的源代码。功能:(1)、编程语言为C语言和汇编语言; (2)、硬件电路基于80x86微机接口; (3)、程序功能要求:小键盘给定、数码管(屏幕)显示; (4)、具备急救车应急响应功能和时间倒计时显示功能。 -8086 and 8255 with the implementation of the traffic light control, the computer program entitled Design of Central South University, including the c language and assembly source code. Features: (1), programming languages, C and assembly language (2), 80x86-based computer interface hardware (3), the program functional requirements: small keyboard for a given digital tube (screen) display (4), emergency response capabilities with emergency vehicles and the time countdown display.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1059840 Publisher : 徐清明

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NASM是一个为可移植性与模块化而设计的一个80x86的汇编器-Compilation Compiler
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 169984 Publisher : 金文靖

任务级任务切换时的80x86堆栈结构Task level mission of the 80x86 stack structure switching-Task-level mission of the 80x86 switch stack structure Task level mission of the 80x86 stack structure switching
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 260096 Publisher : limei

80x86保护系列模式经典教程80x86 classic mode Protection tutorial series-Classic Series mode Protection tutorial 80x86 80x86 classic mode Protection tutorial series
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 215040 Publisher : eif

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CH374LIB.ZIP · CH374的U盘文件级操作子程序库及相关例子源程序 支持FAT12/FAT16/FAT32的闪存盘和移动硬盘 支持MCS51/AVR/MSP430/ARM/80X86等单片机和DSP-CH374LIB.ZIP · CH374 U-disk file-level library of subroutines and related example of operation of the source support FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 flash drive and removable hard disk such as microcontrollers and DSP support MCS51/AVR/MSP430/ARM/80X86
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1326080 Publisher : patrick

80x86汇编语言程序设计.pdf,。80x86汇编语言程序设计.pdf-80x86 assembly language programming. Pdf,. 80x86 assembly language programming. Pdf
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3049472 Publisher : shiyulong_bt

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数据段中已定义了一个有n个字数据的数组M,试编写一程序求出M中绝对值最大的数,把它放在数据段的M+2n单元中,并将该数的偏移地址存放在M+2(n+1)单元中。 设计一程序,接收从键盘输入的数字(1~5),并对每个数字的输入次数进行计数,计数结果存放在以COUNT为首地址的数组中。(最好能将计数结果打印出来)。-Data segment has been defined an array of n words of data M, try to write a program in the absolute value of M obtained the largest number, put it in the data segment of the M+2 n units, and the number of offset address stored in the M+2 (n+1) cell. Design a program to receive input from the keyboard number (1 to 5), and input the number of times each number count, count the results, led by the address stored in the COUNT array. (Count the best results can be printed.)
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 363520 Publisher : 御栗树

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uCOS-II电子书中文版 \第1章 范例.pdf \第2章 实时系统概念.pdf \第4章 任务管理.pdf \第5章 时间管理.pdf \第6章 任务之间的通讯与同步.pdf \第7章 内存管理.pdf \第8章 移植μCOS-Ⅱ.pdf \第9章 μCOS-II在80x86上的移植.pdf \第10章 μCOS 升级到 μCOS-II.pdf \第11章 参考手册.pdf \第12章 配置手册.pdf -Chinese version books uCOS-II \ Chapter 1 example. pdf \ Chapter 2 the concept of real-time systems. pdf \ Chapter 4 Task Manager. pdf \ Chapter 5, time management. pdf \ Chapter 6, the communication and synchronization between tasks . pdf \ Memory Management Chapter 7. pdf \ Chapter 8 transplant μCOS-Ⅱ. pdf \ Chapter 9 80x86 μCOS-II in the transplant. pdf \ Chapter 10 μCOS upgrade to μCOS-II.pdf \ Chapter 11 Reference Manual. pdf \ Configuration Guide Chapter 12. pdf
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1586176 Publisher : zhengks
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