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形状特征提取的经典论文,图像处理研究人员必备论文 -Shape feature extraction of the classic papers, image processing researchers must Papers
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6508544 Publisher : 陆铖

图像傅立叶变换,离散余弦变换,沃而什变换,基于特征向量的变换,小波变换-Image Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, fertile and even transform, the transform-based feature vector, wavelet transform
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 64512 Publisher : 曾阿牛

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在综合描述声发射信号特点和小波殳换基本原理的基础上,结合实例介绍同时在时域 和频域具有局部分析能力的信号处理方法--小波变换在声发射信号的特征提取、时频分析和噪声去除等方面的应用。-Described in the integrated acoustic emission signal characteristics and the basic principles of wavelet Shu-for on the basis of the introduction with an example in the time domain and frequency domain with the capacity of local analysis of wavelet transform signal processing method of acoustic emission signals in the feature extraction, time-frequency analysis and noise Removal of such applications.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 230400 Publisher : 康康

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是一个人脸识别特征提取的Vc代码,很好用,希望对你有帮助!-Is a face recognition feature extraction Vc code, very good, and want to help you!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2805760 Publisher : scorpiobaby

这是图像处理中的颜色特征提取(低阶矩特征)MATLAB源代码。-This is a color image processing feature extraction (low-order moment characteristics) MATLAB source code.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : olindazh

这是图像处理中HSV课件颜色特征提取(将H5等份,S,V分量各三等份)MATLAB源码。-This is the image processing in HSV color feature extraction software (to be H5 equal, S, V component of the third class) MATLAB source.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : olindazh

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为进一步进行纹理特征分析,从纹理的方向性人手,给出了纹理方向的数学定义式,合理选择差异函数, 构造了具有物理意义的纹理方向描述特征向量.数据处理方面,运用模糊贴近度的概念,结合改进后的属性均值聚 类算法,对一类具有方向性的纹理图象进行分类与分割实验,取得了较好的结果.试验表明,该方法对纹理的方向 性有很好的描述能力. 关键词 图象分割 纹理方向 纹理分割 神经网络 模糊聚类 -Texture features for further analysis, staff from the texture direction, given the direction of the mathematical definition of texture type, a reasonable choice of the difference function, structure with a physical meaning to describe the direction of the texture feature vector. Data processing, the use of the concept of fuzzy nearness degree, combined with improved properties means clustering algorithm for a class of directional texture image classification and segmentation experiments, achieved good results. Tests show that the method of directional texture has a good description of the capacity. Keywords Image segmentation, texture segmentation texture direction fuzzy clustering neural network
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 291840 Publisher : wgn

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工件识别中决策树分类器的设计 该文介绍了利用特征的概率分布进行树分类器的设计。采用了二叉链表表示法来组织决策树的结构, 并提出一种分类界面的选取算法以划分特征空间。这种设计已成功地运用在一个工件识别系统中-Workpiece recognition decision tree classifier design This paper introduces the use of the characteristics of the probability distribution of the tree classifier design. Using binary notation list to organize the structure of decision tree, and propose a classification algorithm to select the interface to demarcate feature space. This design has been successfully applied to a workpiece recognition system
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 198656 Publisher : elize

Gabor小波提取图像纹理特征,matlab语言编写-Gabor wavelet texture feature extraction image, matlab language
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : 王伟

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极大值抑制与双阈值门限得到图像边缘: * nonmaxsuppts.m Code for performing non-maxima suppression and thresholding of points generated by a feature/corner detector. It optionally returns sub-pixel feature locations.-Maxima suppression and dual-threshold threshold obtained Edge:* nonmaxsuppts.m Code for performing non-maxima suppression and thresholding of points generated by a feature/corner detector. It optionally returns sub-pixel feature locations.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : asdasdasd

空间特征提取: * canny.m Canny edge detector incorporating modifications suggested by Fleck. * harris.m Harris corner detector. * fastradial.m An implementation of Loy and Zelinski s fast radial feature detector. -Spatial Feature Extraction:* canny.m Canny edge detector incorporating modifications suggested by Fleck .* harris.m Harris corner detector .* fastradial.m An implementation of Loy and Zelinski s fast radial feature detector.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher : asdasdasd

图像匹配,在一副图象中搜寻子图像,寻找特征点-Image matching, in a sub-image search images to find the feature points
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : wu wei

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基于非负矩阵分解(NMF)的人脸特征提取算法,NMF基本思想是找到一个线性子空间W,使的构成子空间的基本图像的像素点都是正值,而且人脸图像在子空间上的投影系数也是正数-Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) of facial feature extraction algorithm, NMF basic idea is to find a linear sub-space W, so that the composition of sub-space of the basic image pixels are positive, and face image in the sub-space projection coefficient is positive
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李伟

是,关于ECG信号特征提取采样率为256Hz的ECG数据设计的滤波器-Yes, on the ECG signal feature extraction 256Hz sampling rate of ECG data for the design of filter
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : 目光

SIFT两幅图像的算法.基于内容的图像检索系统 特征提取-Two images SIFT algorithms. Content-Based Image Retrieval System Feature Extraction
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4600832 Publisher : 王新胜

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基于Gabor小波变换的特征提取和人工智能的人脸检测系统源代码.-Based on the Gabor wavelet feature extraction and artificial intelligence face detection system source code.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 190464 Publisher : 张晓

MATCHBYCORRELATION - match image feature points by correlation.Function generates putative matches between previously detected feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point. Only points that correlate most strongly with each other in *both* directions are returned. This is a simple-minded N^2 comparison. -MATCHBYCORRELATION- match image feature points by correlation.Function generates putative matches between previously detected feature points in two images by looking for points that are maximally correlated with each other within windows surrounding each point. Only points that correlate most strongly with each other in* both* directions are returned. This is a simple-minded N ^ 2 comparison.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : wugang

match image feature points using monogenic phase data.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher : wugang

人脸检测定位的很好的文章,题目为 A Novel facial feature Localization Method Using Probabilistic-like Output-Face Detection-targeted good article entitled A Novel facial feature Localization Method Using Probabilistic-like Output
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 450560 Publisher : douzsh

一个典型的人脸识别系统主要包括训练过程和识别过程。训练过程主要完成将已知人脸进行定位、特征提取与选择、以及分类器的设计;识别过程则完成将未知图片进行处理,并最终识别出身份的分类和决策-A typical face recognition system mainly include the training process and the identification process. Completion of the training process will be the main face of known position, feature extraction and selection, and classifier design identification process will be completed to deal with the unknown image, and ultimately identify the identity of the classification and decision-making
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 686080 Publisher : likunbao
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