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Rob Hess 開發的SIFT Feature Detector程式 These functions also work with image feature files from both David Lowe s SIFT detector and the Oxford VGG s affine covariant feature detectors. Hess developed SIFT Feature Detector program These functions also work with image feature files from both David Lowe s SIFT detector and the Oxford VGG s affine covariant feature detectors.http:// hess/index. html
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 565248 Publisher : Michael

用遗传算法进行特征选择并优化支持向量机的核函数参数和惩罚因子-Using genetic algorithm feature selection and optimization of SVM kernel function parameters and punish factor
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 201728 Publisher : wangrenjie

AAM是一种有效的人脸特征提取算法 该论文对它进行了改进 相信会对人脸表情识别领域的朋友有很大帮助-AAM is an effective facial feature extraction algorithm of the paper believe it will improve the identification of areas of Facial Expression friends are very helpful
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 577536 Publisher : 张波

特征提取是人脸识别技术中一个基本而 又十分重要的环节,寻找有效的特征是解决识别问题的关键本文提出了一种新的人脸特征提取方法。该方法通过可调因子有效结合人脸局部流形结构信息和样本 的类别信息,充分提取样本的判别信息,将LPP 发展成为有监督方法。实验结果表明,该方法具有较好的 识别效果。-Feature Extraction in Face Recognition Technology is a fundamental and very important to find the characteristics of an effective solution to identify the crux of the problem is proposed in this paper a new facial feature extraction methods. This method is through the effective integration of tunable factor partial face manifold structure of information and samples of the types of information, the full extraction of the sample discriminant information, will be developed into a supervised LPP method. Experimental results show that the method has better recognition effect.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 173056 Publisher : 张波

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经典的LDA特征选择算法,用matlab实现,包括数据集-LDA classic feature selection algorithm, using matlab to achieve, including a data set
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 13312 Publisher : shall

图像特征提取算法,图形界面,可以提取 多种特征参数-Image feature extraction algorithms, graphical interface, you can extract a wide range of characteristic parameters
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 8187904 Publisher : 徐雷

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针对SVM法线特征筛选算法仅考虑法线对特征筛选的贡献,而忽略了特征分布对特征筛选的贡献的不足,在对SVM法线算法进行分析的基础上,基于特征在正、负例中出现概率的不同提出了加权SVM法线算法,该算法考虑到了法线和特征的分布.通过试验可以看出,在使用较小的特征空间时,与SVM法线算法和信息增益算法相比,加权SVM法线算法具有更好的特征筛选性能.-Normal feature selection for SVM algorithm only considered normal for the contribution of feature selection, to the neglect of the characteristics of the distribution of feature selection have contributed to the lack of normal SVM algorithm based on the analysis, based on the characteristics of the positive and negative cases emergence of a different probability-weighted normal SVM algorithm, which takes into account the distribution and characteristics of normal. through the test can be seen in the use of smaller feature space, the normal and the SVM algorithm and information gain algorithm, normal weighted SVM algorithm has better performance of feature selection.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : 苏苏

基于灰度投影的人脸特征定位--matlab-Based on gray-scale projection of facial feature location- matlab
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : an

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AdaBoost is an efficient tool in machine learning. It can combine a series of weak learners into a strong learner. Besides pattern classification, it also can be applied into feature selection. This document explains the use of AdaBoost.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1152000 Publisher : njustyw

根据OPENCV给出的SIFT特征提取源代码所写的SIFT算法流程,对理解SIFT算法有一定的帮助-OPENCV given in accordance with SIFT feature extraction source code written by the SIFT algorithm processes, SIFT algorithm for understanding a certain degree of help
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 418816 Publisher : 鄢胜勇

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gabor特征提取程序 matlab实现 附有图像测试-gabor feature extraction process to achieve with matlab image test
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 62464 Publisher : ljx

这是个人脸识别程序,是关于人脸特征提取的。-This is a face recognition program, on the facial feature extraction.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9048064 Publisher : 户利利

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该程序对于实现人脸特征线条提取的,效果不错。-The procedure for the realization of facial feature extraction lines, and good results.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 161792 Publisher : 户利利

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图象经过gabor小波滤波。gabor小波与图像卷积。-Image after wavelet filtering gabor. gabor wavelet and image deconvolution.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : liutao

DoG(Difference of Gaussian)滤波算子,主要用于边缘特征提取,用于模式识别中的分割预处理。其主要参数为两个高斯函数的方差,针对方差设计可以对不同的图像特征情况下有不同的表现。-DoG (Difference of Gaussian) filtering operator, the edge feature extraction is mainly used for pattern recognition of the partition pretreatment. The main parameters for the two Gaussian function of variance, the variance for design characteristics of the different images have different circumstances performance.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : wang

自己编的matlab程序。用于模式识别中特征的提取。是特征提取中的Sequential Forward Selection方法,简称sfs.它可以结合Maximum-Likelihood-Classifier分类器进行使用。-The matlab own procedures. For Pattern Recognition Feature Extraction. Feature Extraction is the Sequential Forward Selection method, referred to as sfs. It can be combined with Maximum-Likelihood-Classifier classifier used.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : limingxian

自己编的matlab程序。用于模式识别。结合特征提取方法sequential_forward_selection使用。-The matlab own procedures. For Pattern Recognition. Combination of feature extraction methods sequential_forward_selection use.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : limingxian

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人脸特征定位、人脸跟踪、肤色模型、统计模型-Facial feature location, Face Tracking, color models, statistical models
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4631552 Publisher : 正反

提出一种用于车辆牌照定位的新方法。该方法利用遗传算法对图像进行优化搜索,结合区域特征矢量构造的适 应度函数,最终寻找到牌照区域的最佳定位参量。实验结果表明,该方法抗噪声的能力强,提取出的牌照准确、完 整,具有很好的实用价值。 -A vehicle license for new ways of positioning. This method is the use of genetic algorithm to optimize the image search, combined with regional tectonic feature vector fitness function, and ultimately to find the best positioning license regional parameters. Experimental results show that the method of anti-noise ability, to extract the license is accurate, complete, has good practical value.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 52224 Publisher : zoubinbin

harris角点检测算法的实现,做特征跟踪方面的人可以借鉴-harris corner detection algorithm, feature tracking to do side can learn from
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3761152 Publisher : lina
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